The OLD YARD 2020
Sunday 16th February, 2020 | 12 – 6pm
DCFA Gordon Street St Augustine
(Open Campus Quadrangle)
Cost: Adults: $60 | Children: $40
The UWI’s Department of Creative and Festival Arts invites you to our annual carnival event, “The Old Yard” on Sunday 16th February, 2020, at noon. Situated in the new Gayelle at DCFA, Gordon Street- transformed into the architectural style reminiscent of long ago, this event promises to offer a dynamic mix of a journey into cultural history and a carnival masquerade showcase within the format of a heritage fair.
Witness portrayals of our very own traditional Carnival characters including Bats, Minstrels and Burrokeets, Midnight Robber, Dame Lorraine among others. A special feature of this year’s installment of The Old Yard will be the “Mas Camp Corner”, where children will be given the opportunity to create their own mas and be part of our jump-up for a small fee.
Tickets for The Old Yard affordably priced at $60.00 for adults and $40.00 for children.
For more info contact: 272-3232 or
Email: dcfa@sta.uwi.edu or Roberta.Quarless-Hart@sta.uwi.edu